7 Smart and Wise Ways to Achieve Successful Simplicity

7 Smart and Wise Ways to Achieve Successful Simplicity

Insights, Leadership
The recent events around the world showed me one thing – some people can make simple things ridiculously complex and ultimately fail, while fewer other people, a select few, are able to make complex things ridiculously simple and succeed. It is simple, just as any coder knows, the more elegantly simple the code, the less vulnerabilities and the faster the execution and results. (more…)
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5 Recommendations for building lasting brands through heritage

5 Recommendations for building lasting brands through heritage

Insights, Leadership
If you venture along the old quiet Telok Ayer Street, you may still catch a glimpse of one of Singapore’s oldest food establishments, the 90 years old Tan Hock Seng bakery. In November 2021, this old shop will close for good, serving the locals for the past 90 years and passing through 3 generations. It is an iconic brand no less, and one that took decades and nearly a century to hone. And it will be gone. Brands, need time to build, and good brands that last, need LOVE to build. What then, is the power of heritage in a brand? (more…)
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Theoretical Physics and the art of crisis management

Theoretical Physics and the art of crisis management

Insights, Leadership
When folks think of theoretical physics, some may imagine a bunch of nerds/geeks in the light of Big Bang Theory (the TV series that ran for an amazing 12 seasons). Yes, physics, to many, may just be something esoteric scientists are stretched out in a room drawing figures and charts on a whiteboard for days on end. (more…)
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Adieu 2020, Welcome 2021

Adieu 2020, Welcome 2021

Insights, Leadership
As we approach the end of possibly the most dreadful year ever, let us keep strong, stay close to loved ones, pray ceaselessly, and light a candle for a new year that soon dawns, as hope and better days are surely ahead. As the adage goes, “what goes down, must (eventually) go up”. (more…)
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