5 Ways to earn media coverage for businesses in highly regulated industries such as healthcare

5 Ways to earn media coverage for businesses in highly regulated industries such as healthcare

Insights, Marketing
If you are in the hospital, clinic, media equipment, or health supplements business, you know that the challenging economic climate can dampen your journey forward. And yet, there are many regulatory frameworks to confine how and what you can communicate with the public, whether in marketing, advertising, or public relations (PR). How, then, can you earn media mileage consistently while staying straight and narrow within these confines? Let us share our insights from decades of consulting for all these businesses. (more…)
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5 tips I learned from the military to succeed as a communicator

5 tips I learned from the military to succeed as a communicator

Insights, Marketing
I come from a family of military officers. My late grandpa, a lieutenant general who fought at the frontlines of wars, and reposed at 104 years old with a distinguished career as renowned labor economist, professor, and hospital CEO. I have an uncle who was an air force colonel, and later went on to a successful computing career. However, even if I did not go far in the military, I did my duty for national service in the army. It was an interesting journey to shape my life for the next nearly 40 years. (more…)
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Are you still lagging behind with “just in time” PR and marketing?

Are you still lagging behind with “just in time” PR and marketing?

Insights, Marketing
Before the pandemic, the "just in time" paradigm was "fashionable", especially in the manufacturing sector. At that time, "just in time" meant optimizing available resources to manufacture and stock only the minimum inventory, and scale only as and when needed. As an early practitioner of total quality management, I would have recommended this practice too, before the pandemic of course. (more…)
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Investing in Singapore: Unlocking AI and Tech Opportunities through B2B Public Relations

Investing in Singapore: Unlocking AI and Tech Opportunities through B2B Public Relations

Insights, Marketing
Investing in Singapore for AI and tech companies through B2B public relations is highly advantageous due to Singapore’s position as a tech startup hub in the huge ASEAN market, extensive government support, presence of large data centers and support infrastructures, and emerging opportunities in the region. If you are an AI and tech business, whether startup or stalwart, here are some thoughts. (more…)
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