AI & tech research lab

Here’s where our team dabbles in all things technical, including the AI technologies that will change much of the world today. Right now, we are developing, designing and deploying AI-related technologies (OpenAI/GPT and many others) in the forms of chat, generative art, TTS (text to speech), video, and more.

Contact us now!


Ask Macie (our AI team member)

Macie is our virtual colleague. But hey, she is new, so please go easy on her. In the meantime, we feed her lots of cookies.

TTS and Audio

Here are some samples of TTS (text-to-speech) and voice generation:

Ongoing tech knowledge and expertise

We have been pioneers in digital multimedia and publishing, digital PR, web development, interactive learning, etc. Some of our work include:

  • 2022 – AI/ML/automation (e.g. ChatGPT, AI TTS, etc)
  • 2015 – Inbound marketing
  • 2011 – CMS (content management system), Web 2.0 and e-commerce development
  • 2010 – App development (social, web and mobile)
  • 2003 – Perl development on UNIX
  • 2003 – HR (human resource) intranet app development
  • 2003 – NetJanus™ Email Security Appliance (BSD) development
  • 1999 – Mail server & hosting development (Cobalt Qube, later mini-ITX and Mac)
  • 1998 – Java development (e.g. JAEM™ or Java Applet Expanded Menu)
  • 1996 – Multimedia-based interactive entertainment app on web (i-ching)
  • 1996 – Internet consulting (web design, web/email hosting)

Cybersecurity & Intranet Appliance Development (Legacy)

netjanus - new logo

netjanus email server appliance
NetJanus® email security server project (legacy)

McGallen & Bolden has consultants and technical development partners who have been researching various ways to combat email spam and malware on platforms such as FreeBSD, Linux, and Mac OS X since 2004. Our efforts started out of frustration with the growing problem of email spam and attachment malware in incoming email (especially spoofed email). We developed various test platform workstations and servers in portable, lightweight hardware profiles, and in those early years tested them at our location on a leased line and at a large media/publishing company. The project has a registered trademark for its solutions – NetJanus®. However, with the advent of open source and cloud solutions, the window of opportunity for commercialization became smaller and we moved on to other areas. This project has been written off. The older trademark is below.

netjanus logo (old)