clients – AI/ML/automation

Here is a sampling of AI, ML and automation clients we have worked with.


Dataiku is an AI and ML company from France. We served the regional representative for a media launch event, with a room of journalists. We pitched the client in 2018 when AI/ML was nowhere near the hype and frenzy it became FIVE years later.
Services: PR
: 2018
Countries: Singapore
Challenge: AI and ML were vertical topics in 2018 that are often passed over by the general media, and even some trade media.
Successes: We have helped the client establish awareness with vertical and mainstream media, with a good media outreach and representation for this project.


ILOG, now an IBM company, is a leading provider of business rule management system (BRMS) solutions, visualization and optimization software. We served ILOG when it was an independent company, and when it was acquired by IBM, providing full-spectrum services in public relations, advertising management, marketing communication, trade events, etc. We have helped the client reach out to trade media and mass media, explaining challenging technical concepts and ideas and translating them into digestible ideas for the media and the public. We helped develop many customer case study papers for placements as well.
Services: PR, Marketing, Training
: 2000-2010
Countries: ASEAN
Challenge: Business rules, data visualization and optimization are vertical topics that are often passed over by the general media, and even some trade media.
Successes: We have helped the client establish its brand, its solutions and its presence throughout the region, building steadily an image of rock-solid expertise in high-end visualization, business optmization, and business rule management (BRM). ILOG was a unique software vendor that had great technologies, and we were able to articulate the complex concepts successfully to many media channels, including broadcast media for its top executives. When ILOG was acquired by IBM, we continued to serve the ILOG team within the auspices of IBM for a period of time.

Visit clients we have worked with, past and present., past and present.