books by the leading Asia PR agency

McGallen & Bolden strategists are book authors

Our senior strategists are active thought leaders and practitioners in the fields of business strategy, marketing, branding, public relations, and leadership development, with nearly 70 years of collective experience. Some of their thoughts have been published in books, academic journals, and book chapters. Here are some of our strategists’ books.

"Tough Times, Great PR" book is outTough Times, Great PR—Dot Zen 3.0: Building brands and publicity for the 21st Century

Brands large and small are facing the toughest times of the 21st century, with global pandemics and conflicts causing roadblocks and downturns. So how can brands bootstrap their way to victory in the war for branding and publicity?

Table of contents

  • 4 key steps to harnessing public relations in a recession
  • Is your business ready for PR?
  • Engage your PR at the C-suite level
  • 3 critical tips for spokespersons
  • Is your C-suite merely non-player characters (NPC) in the media?
  • 5 crippling PR mistakes to avoid
  • Hunt for PR help only when a crisis hits?
  • Taking “journalese” out of our writing
  • Feeling let down by your media monitoring service?
  • Drilling down deeper into PR measurement
  • 4 critical tips for marketers facing a deep decline of the “influencer” industry
  • 5 critical crisis management and communication tips
  • 3 tips to build a brand in a crisis
  • future of PR in the 21st century is the bottom line
  • Crises may not be what you think; be prepared
  • Don’t try to bury bad news on a Friday
  • Physics and the art of crisis management
  • Why all businesses need PR
  • 6 tips on handling difficult questions
  • Speak directly and simply for impact; avoid double negatives
  • The 5 Cs of speechwriting for the C-suite
  • Employer branding through PR
  • Recommendations for building lasting brands through heritage and tenure
  • future of marketing may not be about personalization
  • Old brands: 7 tips on keeping a brand going
  • 4 tips to succeed in cookie-less marketing
  • 3 public relations (PR) recommendations post-crisis
  • Communications and human resources: synergy and separation
  • 5-prong CELLSTM approach to successful Asia-Pacific market entry
  • What a simple word game can inspire us to do in marketing and PR
  • 6 Reasons Why PR is the best way to build brands and win customers
  • 4 ways to build social proof to boost your PR
  • Authentic social media to the rescue in a crisis
  • Beyond mainstream media, pitching and going online
  • 8 recommendations for building your own in-house studio for audio and video
  • Digital resilience for communication
  • Digital tools for communicators
  • When tech goes down, the show must go on
  • 5 steps to creating NFTs for brands and asset protection
  • 4 tips of AI prompt engineering for PR
  • E.S.G. your life to sanity

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IndieReader review

Thank you, IndieReader, for reviewing our book! We are grateful!

IndieReader review of Tough Times Great PR book by Seamus Phan

Mentioned at various media outlets, including Yahoo, New York Tech, MSN, etc.

Check out the follow-on book to the first Dot Zen book in 2003:

Dot Zen 2.0 book by Dr Seamus Phan

Dot Zen 2.0: On Marketing, Social Media, Technology, Public Relations, Human Capital & Leadership

The book has broad categories of topics:

Strategy and leadership—startup mentality, retiring products, the “last mover advantage,”  marks of a true leader, the myth of uniqueness, and work ethics.

Human capital and development—recruiting the best marketing people, structured and unstructured learning, social media and recruitment, and sieving out toxic employees.

Customer service and sales: prevention of lapses, customer service myths, managing and developing retail staffers, service failures and recovery, social media, and customer service.

Branding and reputation: good brand names, packaging and industrial design, and brand journalism.

Marketing: marketing tips from pop sensations, strategies, analogies to art and paintings, optimizing paid, earned, and owned media.

Public relations: humanizing brands, going beyond traditional PR, trends in PR, crisis preparedness and communication, and spokesperson development.

Social media and the Web: website optimization, content targeting, content development tips, graphics for the Web, responsive websites, building social media communities, business blogging, analytics, and owned media.

Mobile, video, and audio—AR (augmented reality), QR, video content, mobile apps, and video journalism.

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Book launch talk (a snippets video)

Books we wrote in the past (out of print)

Here are some books and multimedia materials we have authored in the past, ranging from business leadership to service quality, health, etc. Some have been bestsellers and have been widely acclaimed by readers and reviewed by mass media (including international media). Inquire if you need archival copies (if they are still available).

Dot Zen book by Dr Seamus Phan and Ter Hui Peng

Dot ZEN (Book)
: Seamus Phan and Ter Hui Peng joined hands to write a practical and useful book for entrepreneurs and managers to better manage business processes, marketing, branding, Public Relations (PR), human resource management (HRM), and the use of the Internet. Highly rated by top business consultants and experts and widely covered in the media! first print run sold out and in reprint version To find out more, visit ISBN: 981-04-5645-X. Price: US$11. 200 pages.

This Body This Life book by CJ Phan and Dr Seamus Phan

This Body, This Life (Book)
: Seamus Phan and his brother CJ, recognized bodybuilding champion, joined hands to author this book on holistic health, nutrition, proper dieting, exercise, fitness, and longevity. This was a very successful book and well received by readers and the media (including international media). To find out more, visit ISBN: 981-04-5646-8. Price: US$16.95. 260 pages.

From Employee to Entrepreneur (VideoCD)
: Seamus Phan, knowledge entrepreneur, showed his audience in a LIVE session how to succeed with skills, knowledge, and expertise. Seamus showed that it is possible to start a business based on the entrepreneur’s expertise with little startup capital. ISBN: 981-05-1187-6. Price: US$68. Around 40 minutes.

Media Training Primer for Speakers and Trainers (VideoCD)
Briefly: Seamus Phan, TV and radio commentator and journalist, spoke live to an audience of professional speakers and trainers on how to succeed with media communication, media relations, and on-air appearances. ISBN: 981-05-1188-4. Price: US$68. Around 40 minutes.

Using the Internet as a Service Quality Weapon 2001 (VideoCD/DVD)
Briefly: Singapore is a pioneer in customer service and the Internet Seamus Phan spoke on how to leapfrog your competition, no matter how large you are (or how small) or what industry you are in, with Internet technologies. A fast-paced, engaging and Asia-centric training delivery. ISBN: 981-04-4557-1. Price: US$188. Around 60 minutes.

E-Business (Audio CD)
Briefly: Seamus Phan hosted a segment on national radio. He was the first Internet and technology speaker to host that segment (previously for business speakers only). In this audio CD, you can hear clips on how to develop an e-business strategy, components necessary for a good infrastructure, Internet security, mobile commerce, and streaming media techniques. ISBN: 981-04-4556-3. Price: US$68. Around 40 minutes.

Service Quality: The Enlightened Approach by Dr Seamus Phan

Service Quality: The Enlightened Approach (Book/eBook)
Briefly: Rather than stick to motivational approaches (“quick-patchers or fixes”), the author Seamus Phan, uses a synergistic approach of motivation and implementation. The program has been implemented in multi-million-dollar projects based on the author’s copyrighted work in the late 1980s. ISBN: 981-00-6457-8. Price: US$18 (1995 first print edition), or US$18 for digital version (1999).

Internet Webmaster Logbook by Dr Seamus Phan

Internet Webmaster Logbook (eBook)
: Seamus Phan takes an in-depth look at how he helped set up various Internet and Intranet web sites and servers in Asia for Human Resource Management and Development (HRM/HRD) without burning a deep hole in your budget. Past Bestseller (under the Webmaster category). ISBN: 981-00-7648-7. Price: US$39.90 for digital version (1999).

ISO 9000 Primer (eBook)
Briefly: This work makes it easy for small businesses to quickly understand ISO 9000 without the complex jargon and follow through Seamus’ examples in a sample manual. It includes templates for readers to deploy in their small businesses. The product includes PDF, eBook and Palm DOC. Templates are in PDF format for practical reasons. Featured on national radio! ISBN: 981-04-2532-5. Price: US$29 per eBook product on CDROM.

ISO 14000 Primer (eBook)
Briefly: This work makes it easy for small businesses to quickly understand ISO 14000 without the complex jargon and follow through Seamus’ examples in a sample manual. It includes templates for readers to deploy in their small businesses. The product includes PDF, eBook and Palm DOC. Templates are in PDF format for practical reasons. Featured on national radio! ISBN: 981-04-2531-7. Price: US$29 per eBook product on CDROM.

Visit our lead author’s little corner on Amazon Author Central.